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Current Events in Burnsville, NC ~ Spring Fun!


MAY 7, 2019


With Spring's arrival that means we start getting busy in Burnsville and Yancey County. We make every attempt to get information out to the public on the various events happening in the area, but we can't do that if we don't know about those events. Please include the Chamber in your publicity emails and contact information. We want to help you spread the word.

"It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference." ~ Bear Bryant

THIS DAY IN HISTORY - 1934 - World's largest pearl (6.4 kg) found at Palawan, Philippines. (That oyster was exhausted!!!!)

And now for the news.....

Visit our Website


Thanks for your continued membership:


Homeplace Beer

Cradle of Forestry Campgrounds

(Black Mountain Campground, Carolina Hemlock Campground)

Robert & Kathleen Holstein

Banks Jewelry & Gifts

Heritage Finance Company

Yancey County Cooperative Extension

Robert & Barbara Branch

Country Cablevision

Randolph's Garage

John & Linda Elsegood

Appalachian Java

Camp Celo

American Legion Post #122

Higgins United Methodist Church

Bantam Chef




The 10th Annual Burnsville Fit Families 5K will take place on Saturday, May 11, 2019 with a 9:00 AM race start time. The USATF certified 5K course starts and finishes on the Burnsville Town Square, running through downtown Burnsville.

We welcome runners of all ages, strollers, groups who run together, first-time 5K runners and experienced runners! We provide smoothies, music, and prizes, and our volunteers and community provide motivation and support. We encourage costumes, crazy hats, bubbles, music, noise makers, and all manner of silliness! The runners are really motivated by businesses and community members along the course who show their race support.

The Burnsville Fit Families 5K has a special emphasis on engaging youth and the surrounding community to develop lifelong fitness. All youth under 18 run for FREE! Please plan to join us for this fun event. The Burnsville Fit Families 5K registration is live!! Visit the link below to sign up today! All children under 18 run for free! 

Packet pick-up and race-day registration will be at First Baptist Church in Burnsville, beginning at 8:00 AM on race day. We welcome volunteers to help us make this event successful!

Join us after the race for the awards ceremony, held on the Burnsville Town Square. We will be giving out smoothies, prizes and more! We would like to extend a special thanks to the 2019 5K Title Sponsor, Blue Ridge Regional Hospital, for their generous support of this event.



Call us at 828-765-9531




Friday, 5/10 @ 1:45 Debbie Young

Saturday, 5/11 @ 1:00 The Grass Catchers

Saturday, 5/11 @ 3:00 Crossfire

Sunday, 5/12 @ 1:00 Sound Traveler

Sunday, 5/12 @ 3:00 Slight Departure


For more information visit WEBSITE

High Peaks Leads Stroll at

Tennessee’s Newest State Park May 11


Join the NC High Peaks Trail Association for a relaxed stroll and a glimpse of spring flowers at Tennessee’s newest state park, Rocky Fork, on Saturday, May 11.


This will be the first time the club has hiked at this park, which is situated along picturesque Rocky Fork Creek just across the Tennessee border a few miles from Interstate 26. Strollers will visit the scene of an Indian massacre dating to the Revolutionary War era.

The hike is rated as easy, with little elevation change, although there may be a wet creek crossing. Local expert John Beaudet will serve as guide – he has helped push for the new park’s development and has been instrumental in building its hiking trails.

Strollers should meet on the Burnsville Town Square at 9:15 a.m. They may arrange carpools or ride on a Yancey Transportation van for a donation of $5, reservations required. Dogs are not allowed on the vans, so if you want to bring your leashed pet you must provide your own transportation. Plan to arrive at the park by 10:30 a.m.

Bring water, snacks, rain gear, hiking poles if you use them and sandals or light shoes for the creek crossing. You might also want a plastic bag to put them in once the crossing is done and you change back into your hiking shoes or boots.

For more information or to reserve your seat on the van, contact Hike Leader Carolyn Raichle at 407-619-6136 or trails@nchighpeaks.org. Van reservations must be made by Thursday, May 9 before 6 p.m. Those providing their own transportation can find directions HERE

As always, check the High Peaks Facebook page or website for last-minute changes due to weather.


Check our WEBSITE or our Facebook Link for more information.

Conveniently located between Asheville, Boone and Hickory, NC, and just 20 miles from I-40 and 2 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, find treasures that will last a lifetime and have an experience to match.

Visit Gem Mountain and share the history, the tradition, and excitement of gem mining.

Located at 13780 Hwy 226 S, Spruce Pine, NC. Call 828-765-6130 or visit WEBSITE.

Our goal is to allow outdoor persons the opportunity to enjoy shooting by visiting our facilities, which include a 50,000 square foot, lighted shotgun range. We are able to accommodate individuals, families, groups and organizations, meeting their various needs and schedules. We offer rifle, pistol, and shotgun ranges. 125 Deyton Hunt Farm Drive, Burnsville, NC. Call 828-777-0357 or visit WEBSITE.



The Blue Ghost is an Appalachian firefly that displays for about three weeks at the beginning of each summer. We'll take you for a magical walk through a Blue Ghost "fairy village" and explain their fascinating natural history. In optimal conditions, we will also view "Dismalites" (a rarely-seen predatory fly larva), and a spectacular display of tree-top flashers.

The warm spring and an impending full moon makes it a challenge to predict the emergence and peak of Blue Ghost Fireflies this year. We have scheduled a series of walks that we hope will coincide with peak viewing conditions. These walks will likely sell out, but newsletter recipients are receiving early notification of the following schedule.  

Scheduled Blue Ghost Walks

Sun, May 19   (just-past-full moon rises 9:20)

Tue, May 21

Wed, May 22

Thu, May 23

Fri, May 24

Mon, May 27

Tue, May 28

Wed, May 29

All tours are limited to 12 participants;

begin at 8:45 pm; 

end between 10 and 10:30 pm.

$30/Adult; $10/kids under 18

Visit our WEBSITE or check out this Mountain XPress feature about the magical fireflies of Southern Appalachia.

The route is not strenuous (about 1 mile with a small hill), but be prepared to walk on uneven terrain in complete darkness.

As with any safari, we cannot guarantee what we will see on any given night, but we work hard to choose times and locations that we predict will coincide with displays. Dates may be subject to change, due to phenology or weather.


For more information see our WEBSITE.



5/10            Cane River Middle School Dance

5/13            MHHS Scholars Dinner

5/14            Business Builders Breakfast 7:30 am

5/18 & 19    Blue Ridge Spring Home & Garden Show

5/25 & 26    Mountain Acoustics Luthier Invitational


6 South Main Street, Burnsville. Call 682-7209 or visit WEBSITE


Tues. 5/7 @ 5:30pm: WNC Travel Club meeting

Tues. 5/7 @ 7pm: Music by Nick Gonnering

Hours: Mon-Thurs 4-9pm; Fri 2-11pm; Sat 2-10pm; Sun 2-7 pm. 

Located at 6 South Main, Burnsville. WEBSITE

We are now open on Sunday!!!!! Broke Holler will be performing at App Java on Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm. Come join the fun.

8 West Main Street, Burnsville, NC. Call 682-0120 or visit our Facebook page Here



This week's entertainment at Laura's:

Fri. 5/10 - Fred Buck @ 7pm

114 East Main Street, Burnsville, NC. Call 682-5551 or see on FACEBOOK.



OOAK: Fine, Folk, Funky Local Art!! Mon - Sat 10am – 5:30pm; Sun 12:00 (Noon) – 5pm

MAPLES: The Sweet Spot Next Door serving fine coffee, tea and bakery items. Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm, Sat. 9am – 3pm




Thursday 5/9: “Grover Windham” starts at 7:00 pm

Micaville Music Jam at 10:00 am every Saturday




Our regular dinner hours are Tues - Thurs 5pm - 9pm, Fri & Sat 2pm - 10pm, Sun Closed.



Wed: Pizza Night

Thurs: Comfort Food Night

Fri & Sat: Prime Rib

Call 675-4911 for reservations.

Bare Dark Sky Observatory Community Viewing Nights

Join us for an evening of stargazing as you've never seen before! You will have the opportunity to view the moon, planets and stars through our 34" diameter Sam Scope, as well as our smaller planetary telescope. With the assistance of our Observatory Manager, you will spend 2 hours viewing and learning about the dark skies. 


May Community Dates


May 10 @ 9:15pm

May 11 @ 9:15pm

May 24 @ 9:30pm

May 25 @ 9:30pm

May 31 @ 9:30pm

Reserve your tickets HERE

To celebrate spring and growing gardens, Dig In! is hosting a Spring Fling on Saturday, May 18 from 10am to 2pm at the Dig In! garden located at 744 Blankenship Road. There will be organic vegetable starts for sale grown by Dig In! and delicious BBQ from Pig & Grits for sale. Music, kids activities, and gardening help will be in full supply. This is a free community event celebrating Appalachian gardening. Donations gratefully accepted. Come and learn what’s possible when we grow a garden together. For more information email farmer@diginyancey.org or call 828-536-0414. 


The Yancey County Farmers' Market is open every Saturday through October from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm just off the Town Square. Seasonal produce, meats, cheeses, dairy, crafts and entertainment. Check our WEBSITE or visit our Facebook page Here

It’s time for Thirsty Thursday on May 9th, from 4-7 pm. This week I am featuring Glutenberg Gluten free beer. You will be tasting a Blonde, American Pale Ale, Red and India Pale Ale, all gluten free.  The balloons will be flying!  Mother’s Day is just around the corner and Burnsville Wine is here to help! On Friday, May 10 from 4-7 pm, we are having a wine and chocolate pairing tasting with Good Cheer Chocolates from Mars Hill. We’ll taste some awesome wines we have paired with their white, milk and dark chocolates. Tim from Johnson Brothers will be here to pour. Good Cheer will have chocolates for sale. The balloons will be flying!  On Saturday, May 11 from 4-6pm, we have scheduled a Soak & Sip with Kristy. For $25.00, mom will get a foot soak, foot massage, glass of wine, and other goodies. Just perfect, and you can join her! Pre-register with cash by May 10th. Also on Saturday, May 11 from 4-6 pm, I am featuring Will Franke from NC Songsmiths. He will be playing his original music on the deck. Stop by, have a glass of wine or a brew, and enjoy some nice music! The balloons will be flying! We are located at 525 West Main, across from TD Bank. There is parking behind the shop or the bank parking lot. Shop hours are 11-7 Tuesday-Friday and 11-6 Saturday.  Like and share us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, check our WEBSITE,call 682-3456, or email joyce@burnsvillewine.com for more information.

TRACTOR is now accepting CSA members for the 2019 season. This is a great way to support local farmers and enjoy fresh local produce. Community members can pick up their CSA at TRACTOR, in Burnsville or Blue Ridge Regional Hospital, as well as, MAYLAND in Spruce Pine on Thursdays throughout the CSA season. Sign-up by June 1 to receive a 5% discount. For more information or to sign up visit tractorfoodandfarms.com/tractor-csa, call 828-536-0126 or stop by TRACTOR.

TRACTOR is located at 54 Ferguson Hill Road, Burnsville, NC. See our WEBSITE for more information.


Sixth Annual Barn Day

Saturday, May 18 marks the sixth year of the popular Barn Tour Day just 20 minutes north of Asheville. The Appalachian Barn Alliance welcomes the award-winning fiddler Roger Howell and his friend Jerry Sutton for entertainment at the party which follows the tour. Once again, our barn historian Taylor Barnhill will lead the bus tour and share historical information and stories about Madison County and the barns in the Mars Hill area that are included.

The tour begins at 1:30pm and, when it concludes around 4pm, the party in the beautiful setting at Steen’s barn in Mars Hill begins. Chupacabra Latin Café based in Weaverville will provide the food as you browse the offerings in the silent auction. Enjoy mountain music while you soak in the surroundings and the view from the porch. For details on the day, go to https://www.appalachianbarns.org/barn-day/

Enjoy this great Appalachian heritage experience while supporting the organization that works to preserve that heritage. Advance purchase of tickets is required. The price is just $45 for members and $50 for non-members. For information and to purchase tickets, email info@appalachianbarns.org or call Sandy at 828 380-9146.




Along About Sundown


When an aspiring musician Ethan happens into Bascom Lamar Lunsford, the "Minstrel of Appalachia,” he embarks on a musical and historical journey. Along about sundown, several musicians meet up on Lunsford's porch for story telling, and, more importantly, a chance to make music together. Lunsford's life and songs inspire musicians and appreciators of Appalachian music everywhere. This original musical, written by two of Lunsford's own granddaughters, is a charming work sure to leave audiences smiling and humming.  



May 10 - 7:30pm

May 11 - 7:30pm

May 12 - 3:00pm

May 17 - 7:30pm

May 18 - 7:30pm


The Parkway Playhouse is located at 202 Green Mountain Drive in Burnsville. Tickets are available on the Parkway Playhouse website and at the Parkway playhouse Box Office (828-682-4285), which is open from 1-5pm Thursday through Saturday and one hour before show time. WEBSITE



The Mountain Piecemakers Quilt Guild will meet Tuesday, March 27th at 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Burnsville Town Center to make quilts for the “Linus Project” along with other quilting bee tasks. 


The Mountain Piecemakers Quilt Guild will meet Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30 pm at the Burnsville Town Center for their monthly meeting and presentations.


For more information call 828-691-0449.

Art and Craft Workshop at

Green Mountain

Saturday May. 11th from 9 am to 4 pm


Celebrating National Scrapbook Day!


Join us each month when we share creative ideas, new products, teach various art or craft projects: Scrapbooking, Stamping, Card Making, or Photography. Or you can bring whatever type of art or craft you enjoy, hang out with some fellow artsy friends and enjoy each other’s company while we complete our projects together!


If you live local, please come out to Triple R Oasis Camp on Green Mountain just north of Burnsville NC. If you live farther out join us for a VIRTUAL Workshop.


For National Scrapbook Day we will have some fun special paper and stamp sets for sale!


RSVP Now: Call 904-610-3098 or email deb.scrapwme@gmail.com to reserve a space (in person or online). 


INSTRUCTIONS FOR IN PERSON WORKSHOP: Bring your own supplies OR you can buy supplies at the workshop. Full store available onsite to purchase supplies for Scrapbooking, Card Making, Stamping, Painting and paper crafting. Workshop fee is $5 includes personalized instruction and help with your project, 4x2 table for each attendee, drinks (bring your own lunch or snacks) and various cutting tools, punches, stamps, idea books, templates available for use while you are here.  You can request a class in any of the techniques we teach – Scrapbooking, Card Making, Stamping, Photography, Basic Watercolor Painting, Alcohol Marker blending - ask ahead of time so we can prepare a project for you. Your first workshop and your birthday month is free! Bring a first-time attendee with you and both of your fees are waived.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: If you want to join virtually, I will be online in Skype and you can join me for a video conference workshop. You can gather your supplies and join the group to work on your project. All you need is a computer or phone, download the Skype App/Program and email me your Skype User Name. On the day of the workshop message me on Skype and I will add you to the group call. If you need help setting up your computer before the workshop, I will be happy to schedule time to help you with it.


ALWAYS A Chance to WIN FREE Craft Supplies: Each Month I will set up a Workshop Party on my website you will get a door prize entry for every $25 worth of product you purchase, if total party sales reach a $150 - I will randomly draw a name at the end of the month to receive the FREE hostess gifts.  


Order supplies at any time – be sure to JOIN the mystery hostess party: https://dmcleod.closetomyheart.com/


Mark your CALENDAR now for JUNE – we will have our next workshop on Saturday JUNE 22nd.

Hope to see you at a workshop soon RSVP Today!

Deb McLeod

Close to My Heart Independent Consultant

Phone: 904-610-3098


For ALL of your Scrapbooking, Stamping, & Papercrafting Needs Visit my WEBSITE.




Social Media Marketing Tips

for Small Businesses


Explore the ever-changing landscape of social media marketing while enjoying a light breakfast at the beautiful Burnsville Town Center. The basics of Facebook for business will be covered with step-by-step instructions for set-up. Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms will also be analyzed from a small business owner perspective. Find out when to post, proper use of hashtags, and how to boost content in this information packed class! We will also be discussing upcoming Burnsville events.

Date/Time: 5/14, T, 8:00-9:30 a.m.

Instructor: Brianna Robinson

Location: Burnsville Town Center


ATTENTION 2019 BRIDES AND EVENT PLANNERS: We have the perfect location for that outdoor wedding, party, anniversary or company picnic Call 284-5055 for more information.




My name is Catti Smith and I am just about the sweetest little thing you will ever meet. I love head scratches, ear rubs, back scratches, kisses, and all kinds of love and attention. I also enjoy treats and chasing the occasional laser light. Take me home with you so we can be best friends.

Yancey County Humane Society, 962 Cane River School Road, Burnsville, NC - Phone 682-9510. Website






Alkaline Living 5/13/19

It is believed that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. In this class, you will learn how alkaline living has the potential to save your life.


Reflexology for Spa Treatments               5/14/19

Reflexology is an ancient healing art that relieves tension, improves circulation, and helps achieve homeostasis. This class will teach you the basics of reflexology techniques, enhanced with foot scrubs, lotions, incorporating hot towels and hot stones.


Observations and Theories of the Universe                        5/16/19

Want to challenge your understanding of the Universe around you? In this class, you will critically examine some of the observations that support (or challenge) current and past theories about the Universe.


Forged Sculpture            5/17/19

Don't miss this opportunity to experiment with hot forged iron, both static and kinetic. Bring your own ideas on what to make, or you can come with an empty slate.


Bookkeeping Certificate and Hands-on QuickBooks Training      5/21/19

In this class you will develop mastery of six areas relevant to adjusting entries, correcting accounting errors, payroll depreciation, inventory, internal controls, and fraud prevention. Students will prepare for the National Certified Bookkeeper exam through the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers.


Industrial Automations                5/21/19

Learn to build mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, and programmable logic controller (PLC) circuits. This course can help you upgrade your skills or advance your career!


Therapeutic Massage    5/23/19

Students will be prepared to work in direct care settings to provide manipulations, methodical pressure, friction, and kneading of the body’s soft tissues to support wellness throughout the lifespan. This program provides participants with the basic information and skills needed to take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB).


Welding             5/23/19

This course provides instruction on the principles and practices of welding. Emphasis is on the blueprint reading, metallurgy, welding inspection, and destructive and non-destructive testing. Course content will be specific to a particular welding process such as SMAW (stick), GMAW (MIG), and GTAW (TIG). Upon completion, students will have the knowledge base to sit for various industry-specific certifications.


For more information visit www.mayland.edu and click Continuing Education link or call 828-682-7315.



Yancey County Commission 5/13 @ 6:00 pm Yancey County Courthouse

Burnsville Rotary Club Thursday @ Noon Rescue Dog Cafe

Toe River Model Railroaders Wednesday @ 2:00 pm Spruce Pine Library

Al-Anon Monday @ 7:30 pm 1st Presbyterian Church



  • Mt. Mitchell Street Rods will be hosting "The Double Island Band" at their Friday night Cruise-In on May 17 at the Roses parking lot in Burnsville (rain date will be June 7). Everyone is invited to come and enjoy traditional Bluegrass, Country, and Gospel music. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the music and classic cars. Music begins at 6pm.


  • Newdale Volunteer Fire Department will host their annual pancake breakfast and yard sale on Saturday, May 11, starting at 8am. Come enjoy a delicious breakfast complete with a stack of fluffy pancakes, sausage, and coffee or juice for $5. After breakfast, feel free to shop the bargains at the yard sale. For more information call 284-4360 or 208-0298.

Would you like us to forward your business items of interest to other Chamber members? Submit your items weekly via email no later than 8am each Tuesday for inclusion each Tuesday. Email to ginger@yanceychamber.com. Chamber Office Telephone 682-7413. WEBSITE


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Yancey / Burnsville Chamber of Commerce | 106 West Main, Burnsville, NC 28714

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